Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HATE IT! part 5 - Rage against the machine

OK, this one is going to be a little different, because the lion's share of my ire isn't directed against the entire band, but at Zack De la Rocha. An important caveat. Sure, the rest of them share in the culpability for being knee-jerk blowhards, but Zack is not only the biggest of the blowhards, but the least talented as well. Tom Morello will always have my esteem for playing guitar like nobody else. That's tough to do, and laudable when someone does it. But really, what's unique about the band as a whole? Well, Mr. Morello is, and that's it. His contributions are absolutely nullified by the utter banality of De la Rocha's ranting. I've never understood why people think the guy's such a lyrical genius; "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" isn't exactly the kind of pithy political espousal that one can admire, or even take seriously. Of course, there's the use of Ernie Guevara's disgusting visage to object to as well. If these guys were half as politically aware as they think they are, they'd realize that Guevara was nothing but a bloodthirsty failure as a politician as well as a revolutionary, and that the only of his many revolutions that succeeded was the one in Cuba. This was entirely thanks to Fidel's political acumen. They'd also realize that the same iconic image they use was taken by some poor bastard who's never seen a dime in royalties, despite his photo turning up on t-shirts and posters in every pot-smoke filled dorm room in America. Equality indeed. In a 1993 interview with Deadline magazine, De la Rocha said "If I weren't in a rock band, I'd probably be a sexual harassment attorney." Or working in a head shop, methinks. How many women's studies majors did you cajole into the sack with that line, you cad? Renegades of funk? Did you give Afrika Bambaataa any royalties or even any credit for that, since you ripped that title off from him? I'm guessing no. I know it's not necessarily your fault, but how many frat boys hopped up on Schmit ice have listened to your music and pummeled some hapless computer major into a bloody pulp? I know that it's mostly Dave Matthews' and Jack Johnson's territory, but how many times has your music been the soundtrack to a date rape? You are stupid. Your music is stupid. Your fans are stupid. This is political awareness still in its training pants. They're full of shit, Zack, you'd better get them changed. Then you can fuck right off.

P.S. I'm guessing Josh Beckett loves you.

P.P.S. Your message is lost on the majority of your audience, who voted for Bush twice. Just sayin'.


taotechuck said...

Huh. I've nothing mean to say about this review. In fact, you said pretty much what I would've said. Except for the crappy pants part. You kinda lost focus there, but I understand your whole poop fetish thing, so your wandering is forgiven.

Master Cianan said...

Fetish, no. Fondness, oh yes indeed.

RATM would be awesome if there were any wit involved in what they were saying. As it is, (or was) fuck 'em.

taotechuck said...

But there was plenty of something that rhymes with "wit" involved with them, yet you're not fond of them. Go figure.

Master Cianan said...

Shit is hilarious as long as it's not landing in my ears, chuck.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! JOSH BECKETT! The supreme douche-nizzle!

Ok, I'm almost in agreement with you two. Love Tom Morello. Hate Zack De La Rocha. Somehow, they squeeze out some good tunes for me, but only because the wanker at the helm behaves. Otherwise, it's like taking anti-Big Brother slogans and singing them to music. Bah.