Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Slayer - God hates us all

It's time I reviewed some metal on this blog. I'm gonna review this one. The first time I heard Slayer, I was 13 and playing "skate or die" on a commodore 64 at the local Boys and girls club. The guy who ran the computer room there was just a few years older than me, and while he always had some good tunes going in there, this time he was playing the coolest unholy metal ruckus I'd heard. "What is this?" I asked. "It's awesome." "Slayer," he replied. I don't remember which album it was, but I made it a point to listen to them after that. Most people agree that after "Reign in blood", things gradually became not as good, and this went on until This fucker was released on 9/11/01. I heard it 2 or 3 days after it was released, and I couldn't believe my fucking ears. This album has the honor of being the only album in my memory that actually caused my jaw to drop. That's how fucking good it is. I ran around waving it in the air, making everyone I knew listen to it, and every single person who listened said "WHOA." In fact, this is my favorite of their albums, even better than "seasons in the abyss" and "reign in blood", with all their classics of the Slayer canon. To me, this is their most solid album of all. Every single song on there is fucking great. If you graphed it out, there'd be no peaks or valleys in how good the songs are. Just a straight fucking line across the top of the paper, with a little peak for "Exile". If you could pour hate into a pan and clarify it on a stove, you couldn't get it as concentrated as it is on this album. Or as fucking delicious.


Anonymous said...

While I agree this is a nice brutal comeback, no way no how is it better than Reign or Seasons. Pure concentrate for sure, but there're still some dud tracks.

Master Cianan said...

Not for me, dude. This one's swell squared.